October 26, 2023

HICKORY – United Way agency Exodus Homes has 2023 “Hope Heals” Honor Cards available now. Each card is $5.00, has information about Exodus Homes, and the recipient learns that a gift was made in their honor to the faith-based organization that provides 73 beds of supportive housing for homeless recovering people returning to the community from treatment centers and prisons. 100% of the proceeds from sales go to support Exodus Homes, and they make wonderful gifts that keep on giving throughout the year.
This year’s Honor Card entitled “Hope Heals” depicts the kindness of one man helping another man who seems to be homeless with his possessions in bags he is carrying. Random acts of kindness are so important in reaching out to homeless people, giving them hope that a better day is possible. Hope can heal a broken heart and lead a homeless person to reach back and get help to learn a new way to live at Exodus Homes. LA-based artist James Smith who created the “Hope Heals” Exodus Homes Honor Card grew up in the Exodus ministry and saw the development of Exodus Homes from the very beginning in 1998. He says “The ‘Hope Heals’ Honor Card encapsulates the essence of the holiday season – a time when our hearts are more receptive to love, compassion, and giving. It serves as a reminder that we have the power to heal and uplift others through the simplest acts of kindness. The Exodus Homes ‘Hope Heals’ Honor Card represents more than just a piece of beautiful artwork, it signifies an invitation – a call to action for each of us to be a source of healing and hope in our community. It is a reminder that even a small gesture can make a significant impact in the lives of those who need it most.”
First Horizon Bank has had a strong partnership with Exodus Homes for many years and provided the funding to produce and manage the Exodus Homes “Hope Heals” Honor Card for 2023. Darrell Johnson, First Horizon Senior Vice President, Community Banking Group, is excited about this year’s partnership saying “ First Horizon is honored to be a new partner in the long history of the Honor Card program with Exodus Homes. The Honor Card legacy started in 1987 with renowned NC artist William Mangum’s desire to help programs working with homeless people, and over the years he raised over ten million dollars for programs like Exodus Homes. Last year when he retired his original Honor Card program, Exodus Homes reached out to us for help in creating their own version of the holiday card. Now, First Horizon has the opportunity to support this wonderful ministry in Hickory and Catawba County. We see the Honor Card program as a critical piece of the Exodus Homes annual fundraising efforts and we encourage the community to support the program”.
The Exodus Homes “Hope Heals” Honor Card can be purchased online at www.exodushomes.org or at the following locations:
Exodus Homes Offices and Thrift Store 610 4th St. SW Hickory NC 28602
First Horizon Bank 25 3rd St NW Hickory NC 28601
First Horizon Bank 1420 2nd St NE Hickory NC 28601
First Horizon Bank 2675 Northwest Blvd Newton NC 28658
SALT Block Gift Shop 243 3rd Ave NE Hickory NC 28601
Taste Full Beans Coffeehouse 29 2nd St NW Hickory NC 28601
Eco Dental 300 29th Ave NE Hickory NC 28601
LINC Gift and Thrift 118 1st St. SE Hickory NC 28601
For more information, please contact Rev. Susan Smith 828-962-8196 or revsusansmith@gmail.com