January 6, 2012 • 7:00pm • Exodus Missionary Outreach Church • 1763 Highland Ave. NE • Hickory, N.C. 28601
The Exodus Homes’ “Giving Back” Gospel Concert is an annual event of thanksgiving to the community for supporting the faith-based United Way agency that provides supportive housing to homeless recovering people returning to this area from treatment centers and prisons. The renown Exodus Missionary Outreach Church Gospel Choir under the direction of Minister of Music Zack Martin will sing contemporary and traditional gospel music sprinkled with testimonies of thanks from Exodus Homes’ residents. For many people, the Giving Back Gospel Concert is an upbeat way to close the holiday season for another year.
Exodus Homes will give a special thanks to Greensboro artist William Mangum, creator of the Honor Card program which has raised over three million dollars for programs helping homeless people over the past 24 years. Each year, Mangum creates a special painting with a message for the Honor Card which is produced at no charge to the nonprofits who receive 100% of proceeds from card sales. The Honor Card program is a major fund raiser for Exodus Homes every year.

William Mangum is seen today with Bonnie Harris who is now the director of Hanah’s Haven in Greensboro.
The 2011 Honor Card titled “Change the World” features Bonnie Harris, a formerly homeless woman who Mangum met at church in Greensboro. He was impressed by how she had overcome addiction and homelessness to become the founding director of Hannah’s Haven, a Greensboro program that helps homeless recovering women get back on their feet again. In the “Change the World” painting, Harris looks out the window at a homeless person in a scene that Mangum hopes will inspire us to do for one what we would like to do for everyone. During the Giving Back Gospel Concert, Harris will perform “He Loves Me Anyway” with her liturgical dance team made of up of residents and graduates of Hannah’s Haven.
When considering how God has brought her from homelessness to community leader, Harris said, “There are only two words that I can say – praise Jesus. I never imagined that God would use what almost destroyed me so that I could help others.” Since 1998, Exodus Homes has helped thousands of homeless people like Harris become productive, tax paying citizens. The Giving Back Gospel Concert is a celebration of life and the amazing ability to change with God’s help.
The concert is free and followed by a lively time of fellowship and light refreshments.
For more information, contact Rev. Susan Smith at revsusansmith@gmail.com or 828-962-8196.